Sunday, April 29, 2012

At the Kuwait Airport

Nigel Pettibone was photographed minutes ago, at the Kuwait airport wielding his cane. Ironically, he has named his cane, "Abel", because he is "able" to use it in so many ways...and because of the two brothers in the book of Genesis, Cain and Abel. Sounds a little crazy to me, but it's a fact. I just don't make these things up, y'know.


  1. How did he get that thing through security??

  2. He claims he needs it to walk.

    btw...I'm wearing a new helmet while he is in the city. He'll be looking for me wearing the space helmet. This ought to throw him off or add to his confusion.

  3. Good thinking, Eddie. The new helmet will help you to more easily blend in with the locals.

  4. You seem to have a stalker...good move with the helmet switch.

  5. We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
