Monday, April 30, 2012

Arminian Connection Contest

See if you can solve the mystery.
A history you probably weren't aware of...
even if you were a full-blown Arminian.
There is an Arminian connection...
the detection might change your complexion!
So dig a little deeper and you'll find
info that will blow your mind!
Who will be the first to solve this?


  1. Actually, I'm the first to solve probably should read, "Who will be the first to discover what Eddie found", or "Who will be the second to solve this mystery" just doesn't sound as exciting.

  2. This is really not that hard of a challenge...and the effort is well worth the surprise ending!

  3. See Wednesdays post for the answer.

  4. ...since I'm a Calvinist, I might as well make it 5 comments, rather than 4.

  5. It strikes me rather funny that the "contest" post has been at the top of your popular posts list for the last few weeks and the "answer" or "solution" post has been at the bottom.
