Monday, March 5, 2012

Rare Photo of Pre-Abbey Road


  1. I'd like to know who the lady in the purple coat is. She apparently didn't walk across the street with them.

    Maybe she was busy chatting with CV?

  2. Now you know WHY they crossed the road...although, George seemed to want to stay back and talk a little longer with Corky.

  3. ...and yes, THEO, that little lady ended up a believer and becoming a member of the Metropolitan Tabernacle.

  4. It's the old gag -- why did the Beatles cross the Abbey Road?

    -- to get away from Corky Velveeta.

  5. The Beatles bid farewell to Corky after selecting Ringo to play the drums in his place since ringo was so much better looking... Hey, wait a minute! He's not better looking... Corky demands a recount!
