Thursday, March 1, 2012

Julia Stiles, The Bell Jar and Donald Grey Barnhouse

Few know that The Bell Jar, which will star Julia Stiles, has a character named Dr. Nolan, who in reality was Dr. Ruth Tiffany Barnhouse, the daughter of Donald Grey Barnhouse. The 2012 movie is supposedly truer to the semi-autobiographical novel than the 1979 film.
Here is a lengthy, but interesting link that interviews Ruth Barnhouse and sheds some information on her father as well. The information on DGB is not all that flattering, so be aware, if he is one of your heroes. Heroes have clay feet sometimes.
I have always loved reading Donald Grey Barnhouse. His four volume set on Romans is with me right now.

Former U.S. Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, who attended the Tenth Presbyterian Church for more than twenty years, said of Barnhouse: "His authoritative voice held my attention, his physical appearance was arresting, and his preaching was teaching of the highest intellectual order ... I always marveled at the simplicity of the faith of this very intelligent and learned man."


  1. Would Ruth have been the daughter who was sent up to her room for arguing with her father about the age of her grandmother?

  2. Looks like Ruth was a born rebel from the get go, eloping and all that. The new religion of psychotherapy, complete with the auricular confessions to a therapist, has apparently replaced the authority of Scripture, the church, and pastoral counseling from Scripture.

    This movie looks like another blatant attempt to push the gay/lesbian/transgender propaganda and politically correct view over against the biblical standards established by God's moral law.


  3. Donald Barnhouse, and James Boice, who succeeded him in the pulpit of Tenth Presbyterian, were two of the brightest lights among Reformed preachers in the 20th century, in my book.

  4. I totally agree!
    ...and they both had similar sounding voices.

  5. Yes. Strong, manly Calvinistic voices. Same with John H. Gerstner and Albert N. Martin.

  6. And same with Joyce Meyer...except for the Calvinist part.

  7. Okay, the Joyce Meyer made me spew Mountain Dew on the inside of my helmet.
    I am able to drink beverages through a tube. When I eat something I have to unlock and lift the front part of the helmet.
    That gag made me gag on an oatmeal raisin cookie when I read it again.
