Thursday, February 9, 2012

Want a Visit from Corky?

Corky would like to pay you a visit at your blog office location. Maybe you don't have a building yet...well, Calvinistic Cartoons will gladly provide you with one!

To have your blog on Corky's visitation list, you need to list Calvinistic Cartoons and/or Facets of Grace on your own blog list. It's only fair - after all we are willing to construct a nice building in your honor.

Then list your blog address or provide a link below. Corky has a hard time keeping track of everywhere he's been because of his time travel. Y'see sometimes he stops by a place his future self has already visited in the past! It does get confusing at times.

...and if Corky has already paid you a visit...don't list your address or link below. List it under your already created office building post.

Thanks for stopping by! See ya soon!


  1. You have been in my blog list for quite some time. Love your humor!

  2. If Corky is willing to visit strange places, he is welcome to visit me at Mike Erich the Mad Theologian, I have also had you on my list for some time.

  3. I'll be there!

  4. You were the first on my blog list Corky!

  5. Hi, Eddie. I just opened up a new blog called Reformed Reactions. Still working on the design, but it's up and running. Timeless Faith is still timeless so it's still there, but I'm just not posting to it anymore.
