Tuesday, February 28, 2012



  1. Jamie,

    I would rather listen to the Sham Wow guy more than Warren... and that is saying something!

  2. Announcement: What with all of the bridges we are building into false religions, Saddleback Community Social Center & Clown College is opening a False Religion Appreciation Fashion Boutique. Join our fearless leader as he dons a Hijab honoring our brothers from another religion or choose your own accent piece that will instantly make you relevant to folks from other faiths. Act now and you can get a 25% discount on a senior pastor tatto & nose piercing combo in the tattoo parlor of our boutique. We are the delight of Bridgers everywhere. Stop in and say, " Assalamu Alaikum " the next time you are in town...

  3. Maybe we should all mail him a zunar so his Muslim friends will be pleased when he goes to play the dhimmi with them.

  4. And I suppose the smiley pin is intended to make him more relevant to Wal-Mart shoppers? Where will it end???

  5. Yes, THEO, you are right. Warren's new campaign is to "tear down the wall at Wal-Mart and build a bridge."
    His buddy, Obama, may issue a decree to change the store's name to "Bridge-Mart" before the end of the year.
