Thursday, February 23, 2012

Just for Laughs #203

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  1. The Young Restless and Reformed are stunned when Grace is resisting them for The Old, Frozen and Reformed.

  2. "High Five? - Did you know this hand signal was invented by John Calvin to confirm belief in Calvinism in the public square? (Source:Mr E Eddings)"

    PS Hope that lets me off the hook regarding plagarism!

  3. Members of a mainstream denomination can't quite get the hang of this "laying on of hands" thing that the Fundamentalists do.

    But, bless them for trying.

  4. I know that you would like to cut in, but that cigar offends me almost as much as a Joel Osteen's silly grin.

  5. "Greet you with a holy kiss? Not a chance while that stogie is dangling from your lips, right Deacon Eddings?"

  6. An anachronistic dialog live at the Met:

    Deacon's wife: "We heard you were the new preacher. What's your name again?"

    New Pastor: "Charles..."

    Deacon: "Charles Wesley! It figures that one of those Arminians would come in here smoking a cigar!"

    New Pastor: "No, Charles Spurgeon. They told me it was good for my health."

  7. Woman: "Come no closer, sirrah. Thy cigar stinketh like Arminian doctrine."

  8. Methinks you should take that plank out of your mouth before you pick at the sawdust in our PDA.

  9. "I'm sorry, love. He's actually read The Institutes."

  10. Aggressive Paparazzi in Rome (BH and PW).

  11. She is with me out of her own Free Will!! By the way I am a Calvinist.
