Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Just for Laughs #202

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  1. It took awhile, but Jed finally learned that all he had to do to defend the Doctrines of Grace was to simply open up the Scriptures and let it speak for itself.

  2. You heard him, Darlin'. Didn't he say to stop him if I'd heard the joke, about the priest, minister and a rabbi walking into a bar, before?

  3. Given the look of fear on their faces I suspect they're a pair of Arminians who've just realised that Corky's coming to join their home Bible Study on Romans.

  4. Jeb, just 'cause that preacher said it was the end of the world coming doesn't mean you should point your gun at everyone in a uniform.

  5. Billy Bob: "If he ain't dead to sin already, he will be now..."

  6. "Oh Cal! Who is that strange man with the big black hair and white sparkly clothes?!"

    "I don't know, Katie, but I think I finally took him down with that last shot. The bullets just bounce right off that crazy outfit."

  7. Yes it's frightful, I aim like a girl.

  8. Bewildered by the Elephant Room Outcome. The Haters take to Evangelephant hunting,

  9. Woman: Careful Clem, you might hit him!

    Clem: Quiet, woman. That's exactly what I'm a tryin' to do. We don't cotton to pragmatic, pentecostal, hyper-charismatic Elephants here, mister.

  10. Lottie: "I'm confused, C.P. He says he's one of us, but he calls himself a 'Great Commission Baptist' and wants to take up a collection."

    C.P.: "I don't know, Lottie. I don't have a problem with the Great Commission, but I thought we were all Southern Baptists. Is he fer us or agin' us?!"

  11. Woman: Oh where is that Romans 9 hand grenade when we need him.
    Man: Don't worry darling, I've got my bullets from John 6, John 10, John 17, and any other John you can think of.

  12. @ Meghan
    I love it, you share my sense of humour (and my favourite bits of John!)

  13. The world has cupid arrows to shoot people and make them fall in love with other people. Here we see Elijah Elisha ready his aim to fire a bullet of grace which will cause a person to be unable to resist the call of God. It is truly the beginning of a divine romance.
