Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Just for Laughs #199

Supply a formal caption for the situation above.


  1. Lady: Who's at the door?

    Butler: His name is Finney and he's a frightful looking character. He says he saw that hand of yours but I don't see how considering they're covered with elbow-length gloves...

  2. No, it's not "sin" lurking at the door, it's my twin brother "Sid" the black sheep of the family.

  3. "I don't care if he IS your godfather, Deirdre. I am NOT giving back his sandwich board that says, 'THE WORLD TO END IN 2013' if he insists on wearing it in front of our home."

  4. "I'm afraid ma'am, we have a Mr. C. Velveeta at the door. Yes, he left the grenade constume behind, like that would honestly work!"

  5. "What do you mean what am I hiding? I'm not a bad person! I come from a good family!"

  6. Lady: "You say 'Mister Velveeta is at the door'? ___Oh! That's Corky's Dad, silly"

  7. It's the man from Agape Chimney Sweeping. He wants to get paid. ___ But, what is he doing in the closet?

  8. What do you mean you're dispensational? Why don't you go dispense some sweet tea for us?

  9. Lady: "What's that? You've just returned from the Elephant Room, and you have some big news?"

    Man in center: "Aaaaw, who cares about the latest act in the Evangelical-Seeker-Emergent-Heresy circus. We've got plenty of Johnny Mac sermons to listen to."

    Man on left: "Just make sure it's not Jimmy Mac!"
