Saturday, February 11, 2012

Arminian Antics #83


  1. I wonder what record label he's going under?

  2. Elvis Wesley records under the Universal Music Group.
    He recorded this song in the Fall.

  3. Love Eternal

    (Tune of Love Me Tender)

    Love eternal, Love that's true;
    Will never let me go.
    If perseverance depends on me;
    I'd be mighty low.

    Eternal love for His elect
    Sent Him to the cross.
    Those His Father draws to Him
    Never will be lost.

  4. Stranger, that's a sweet song of salvation...'ll never hear Elvis Wesley sing THAT one!

  5. “Arise, ye dead,” Arminius cries;
    Arise, ye dead in sin!
    Unstop your ears, unseal your eyes
    And a new life begin.
    Why will ye die, ye wretched souls?
    Ye dead, why will ye die?
    Quicken and make your spirits whole;
    to life eternal fly.”
    As Baal’s worshippers of old,
    begg’d, pray’d, and cry’d aloud;
    cutting their bodies, as we are told,
    to move a fancied god;
    so on the idol man he’ll call,
    and pompously declare,
    though slightly damaged by the fall,
    how great his powers are.
    “Rise, noble creature! Man, arise!
    And make yourself alive!
    Prepare yourself to mount the skies;
    For endless glory strive.”
    Deluded Seer! But man will lie
    Still senseless as a stone;
    And you yourself stand fooling by,
    ‘till both are quite undone:
    Unless Almighty power be mov’d
    By God’s free-will, not thine,
    To quicken both, and make his love
    On both your hearts to shine.

    Serious Essays, in verse, Rev. John Ryland Jr.
