Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Just for Laughs #194

Caption time...line...line


  1. Joel Osteen decided to start recording his counseling sessions to put them up as podcasts for "the benefit of the world". Unfortunately he was so used to being on stage and performing that he was expecting a script, while the poor woman just wanted to some honest guidance to know whether God wanted her to give Mike Murdock a BMW or a Benz.

  2. Detective (far left): "Alright, ma'am, we've established that I just want the facts...Now, tell me...Did you, or did you not, see Rick Warren actually read the Bible and say something coherent?"

    Woman: "Detective, you and I both know that such a thing is impossible. I did not see, nor has anyone."

    Detective: "Alright, bring Mister Piper up here, Chief."

  3. "Alright, let's go over the description again. Big guy? Dressed in a green grenade costume?"

  4. "I see. So you saw this guy deliberately take 2 Peter 3:9 out of context?"

  5. Under the gaze of the Celebrity Wife Swap cameras Ted Haggard and Gary Busey's wife Judy Helkenberg discussed the history of the wife taking the husband's surname.

    Ted points out how in this current age she would be giving a "bad witness" as people would think they're not married, just "partners".

  6. "I think it is wonderful that you are keeping a record of our courtship in your prayer-journal, Miriam. But don't you think THIS is going a bit overboard?"

  7. Harold Camping predicts the end of the world in 1929. Fortunately it was a Silent Movie.

  8. Next, Aimee Semple MacPhearson will ride her motorcycle down the stairs shouting "Hallelujah!"
