Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Just for Laughs #190

Provide the caption and wrap this up!


  1. No, you don't have a choice! You'll eat it and like it! Now go decorate Grandma before she wakes up!

  2. Yes, Eddie, we used real blood in the puddy, just like you like it.

  3. Mom, I thought the Holy Spirit gave people these gifts. We give toys, socks, and underwear not leadership and service.

  4. Boy: I got you more gifts than sister this year.
    Dad: I'm still wondering where you put my credit card.
    Sis: I'm just glad none of us speak in tongues so we really can't brag about gifts.
    Mom: I'm just going to stay out of this and finish my muffins.

  5. But mom, doesn't the Bible speak negatively about being as sounding brass and twinkling tinsels?

  6. "How is Santa going to fit in the chimney now that we have that tiny little gas stove, mommy?"

    "Blind faith, dear."

  7. Mommy, would it be theologically correct to assume that the celebration of Christmas is no more than a Catholic holiday that has no biblical basis or warrant?

    {sorry, I couldn't think of anything else}

  8. Do you kids want a free will Christmas this year...which means it will be celebrated on any day you choose...or a predestined one that lands on the 25th?

  9. I cannot wait to decorate mom! I am so excited to be on Calvinistic Cartoons! Me to Billy just remember it was all providence!

  10. @constitutiongirl

    Santa has slimmed down a lot since we have been leaving him rice cookies and soy milk!

    I can’t believe I just said that BLUUCK!

  11. @ Meghan Smith


    *(laughing out loud and thinking about muffins!!!)

  12. Boy: Mom, I told dad not to use the Arminian wall anchors... they keep losing their grip and making the wreath fall down.

  13. Praise God these Tupperware products have really "Freed Me Up" this year!

  14. Boy: Mom, I tried to tell dad that being an Amyraldian was gonna come back to bite him. He keeps trying to hang the wreath on the missing 5th point...

  15. @Spurgeonfan:
    I feel your pain. Dairy free, gluten free and sugar free is sure to make Santa less jolly!

  16. @Spurgeonfan, are you trying to kill the man??

    ~Constitution Girl
