Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just for Laughs #187

Draw an idea and type out the caption.


  1. Thought bubble: Should I choose to turn and draw, or should I choose to reach for the sky? Arrgh! Choice is not all it's cracked up to be!

    Caption: The Arminian Kid is paralyzed by choice

  2. "Just in case you're thinking about making a move for your shooting iron, Boot Hill doesn't discriminate. Outlaws of all creeds and denominations are accepted there."

  3. Thought: "Um, am I destined to die here? he choose to kill me here?"

    Caption: Arminian unsure of his eternal status, breaks a sweat when the gun is drawn.

  4. "I'd advise that you exercise your free will and reach for the sky, buster."

  5. Drats, if I'd chosen to put on my white clothes I'd be the goody in this situation.

  6. Although the Arminian Kid freely made his own choices, he fell right into the sherif's predetermined plan.

  7. "Hold it right there Arminian. This sheriff is here to give truth and justice to all... HAHAHAHAHAHA."

  8. @ Chris Hensley

    "This sheriff is here to give truth and justice to all... "

    That's: "Truth, Justice and The American Way."
    It's a neverending battle, man.

  9. Keep your hands off your gun! These are Calvinistic bullets...they have a determined path. Not like your Arminian bullets that fly ever which a way.

  10. Hey, I have free will. I can choose for him not to shoot me!

  11. The Arminian Kid was trying to remember if he had any unrepented sin that would doom him to damnation, but every time he thought the word damnation he had to repent again.
