Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Just for Laughs #182

Turn on the captions!


  1. "This is what you get for watching too many Cal-vi-nists on the tel-e-vision!"

  2. Screaming Woman: "Run for your lives! It's the Arminian Aliens, here to zap us with Finney Flabbergasters! Agh! I say we nuke the entire planet from orbit - it's the only way to be sure!"

    (Sorry... had to get the Aliens reference in...)

  3. "Okay Thelma, I'm changing channels. So now do your Bishop Sheen."

    Eddie, With all the younger generation Calvinists who are reading CC, I am wondering if anybody has the slighest idea what I was referring to in my comment. (?)

  4. A lot of people don't realize that Robert's mother Roberta Tilton was a televangelist back in the 50s : "Send in your money NOW for a miracle TOMORROW!....or God's gonna strike me down!"

  5. @Stranger: Ok, I agive up: what are you referring to? :)

  6. Stranger,

    You're right. I have no idea what that reference was about.

  7. Edith Eddings, a pioneer in televangelism, promises $7000 to the one hundredth person whose ingrown toenail begins to feel better.

  8. @stranger:
    This generation may not have a clue who Bishop Fulton Sheen was...but they have something we didn't have - instant access to information. In less than thirty seconds they could find out.

    btw...this photo is from the great old TV series, Car 54 Where Are You?

  9. @Chris:
    (in the voice of Curly Howard of the Three Stooges)
    "Seven thousand dollars!? Hmmm... that's almost a million!"

  10. Corey P. & Committed Christian

    I was going to say something about Bishop Sheen's t.v. program WAY back when I was a VERY young child______but I figure that about thirty seconds after you posted your comments you found out for yourselves. :)

  11. Just proves Marilyn Hickey has been enjoying divine health for many, many years . . . she doesn't look a day older now than she did in the 50's.

  12. "Don't just sit there! Make that tax deductible love offering to Marilyn Hickey Ministries right now, and I'll send you a free prayer cloth made from the curtains I just replaced around my indoor Olympic sized swimming pool."

  13. @ THEO

    Your comments had me lolrotfotfdaloac*

    *(laughing out loud, rolling on the floor, out the front door, and landing on a cactus)

  14. The world's first reality TV program... "No Mercy from Margaret"

  15. Still not the same as Hour of Power but it'll have to do.

  16. God watches another woman pretending she's speaking in tongues but is really screaming on key.

    btw, I had not heard of Bishop Sheen or his TV show but I did notice that my friend (who's trying to convert me) gave me a teaching CD with his name on it. Guess I'll know soon.

  17. I know who Fulton Sheen was! Do I get a prize? :-D

    (And, no, I didn't Google it, I did know.)

  18. Joel, because of your honesty about the Google get a "take-away prize". That's where we take away your prize and give it to a random reader.

    In this case, the winner is Fibber Moxin of Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Fibber has just won a lifetime supply of Fulton Afro-Sheen, the revolutionary hair product of the '60's.

  19. Edith grew tired of trying to get Artie to quit watching those TV preachers. He just sat and stared at the screen like it was non-stop college bowl games. So she did what she thought was the last straw, she crawled into the TV itself. Artie, sadly, didn't even notice. However, he did send in a seed check, which Edith used for a new dress for herself and drapes for the den.
