Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fan Photo from Jubilation T. Cornpone

Hey Mr. Spaceman,
I have been a stamp collector for over thirty years. I came across your blog just a few days ago and noticed a photo of Corky Velveeta. I knew I had seen his image before and checked my U.S. stamps. Sure enough, this photo of my 1939 New York World's Fair has a certain shape you might find interesting. Thought I would send it to you. I don't need any reward money for this because I am very wealthy and own most of downtown L.A.
Feel free to use this letter and photo in your blog.
Your new fan,
Jubilation T. Cornpone


  1. Tobias Harrigan the ThirdOctober 27, 2011 at 3:50 PM

    I remember as a little boy my parents taking me to the World's Fair in 1939. A gentle man came up to me in a green grenade costume and gave me the first issue of Superman. I still have it and I believe he wrote his name on the inside cover...wait, let me go get it.........................................yep, it says "Read your Bible more than you read comic books, Corky Velveeta".
    I'll never forget it, I tells ya.

  2. If I meet Corky will he give me $7000 of $0.03 stamps?
