Friday, September 23, 2011

The Corky Velveeta Comic Book

Before the grenade costume, before the world travels, Corky Velveeta had his very own comic book. $7,000 will be sent to Verpo Lummox who found this ad in an old comic book. I hope someday someone will discover the actual comic book. I will pay a good sum for some good copy of issue #1. Be on the look out!  


  1. That almost looks like it was drawn by the original Calvinistic Cartoonist, Vic Lockman...

  2. I'd love to get my hands on the issues detailing the perilous times that drove lil' Corky to don the grenade costume!!!

  3. Oooh, I want one...

    Thanks to Corky, I now know that "the pin is mightier than the sword". ;)

  4. How rare are these? And more, how much are they worth if you find them on a secret website that seems like an eBay wannabe that happens to carry them in their original wrapper?

  5. Hypothetically speaking of course.

  6. Even at an early age Corky favored the number 9.
