Saturday, June 18, 2011

Question of the Day


  1. Could it be number two because it is complete and unabridged?

  2. No, Dummy, that's not the answer. Nice try though.

  3. If this is a real and serious quection, my guess would be number one, since Spurgeon would have been just a bit older by the time he established his college. Book #2 has him looking just like one of his students.

    But that's only if this was a genuine search for legitimate guesses.

  4. This is a real and serious question, with a surprising answer for most.

  5. I could be wrong, but my guess is that neither cover is accurate, because material for Lectures to My Students was not published as a separate volume, but was compiled with other writings and sermons on the same topic and published as The Soul Winner.

    Also, the "lectures", although prepared in manuscript form, were never actually delivered to Spurgeon's students.

  6. The Blainemonster said...

    "I'm with Dummy...."

    @The Blainemonster

    Please tell me that you don't have that printed on your t-shirt.

  7. @ Stranger...

    Well, yeah, but the arrow points up.;)

  8. Maybe because the person on cover number two is not Charles Spurgeon.

  9. I believe the second cover is most accurate because of the age of Spurgeon. He was young when he began "Lectures".

  10. The first one is the accurate one, bcos Spurgeon was funny lookin.

  11. Number 1 because Charles Spurgeon wasn't green.

  12. I can see from the comments by those who are more knowledgable than I am about Lectures to My Students that my 2 guesses are way off mark.

    But at least I was right in the part where I said, "I could be wrong..." : )


  13. @ The Blainemonster

    "the arrow points up"

    LOL Great comeback!!!


  14. Spurgeon was 23 years old when his college for young preachers was opened in 1857. He was 21 when he came up with the idea.
    Here is a man who never went to college or Bible school, who started a college offering tailor-made packages to those who are called by God to train for Christian ministry!
    Originally named The Pastors' College, it later was renamed in honor of its founder, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, when it moved to its present building in 1923.
    Just pop "Spurgeon's College" in your search engine and read all about's still in existence and offers on-line courses as well.

  15. it's the second book cover that is the most accurate.

  16. ...and a tip of the helmet to Chris Hensley.

  17. I'll have to see if they offer a bachelor's program. (Degree, not marital status. :-] )

  18. Autodidacts were more respectable in those days.
