Monday, June 13, 2011

The Lone Calvinist


  1. Ha Ha Ha, Ephesians 1 rocks!

    (BTW, Whatever happened to Grenada?)

  2. Later, as he spoke to them, explaining his doctrine from John 6 and Romans 9, one of the group was irresistibly drawn to embrace the faith professed by the Lone Calvinist.

    The convert became his faithful companion, and together they traveled about, teaching the Doctrines of Grace and leaving tracts containing excerpts from Spurgeon sermons.

    He never did find his hat.

  3. I have noticed that people often look at me as if I'm speaking another language. Of course, I'm just quoting Scripture, and for many Arminians...I mean other people... this truly is a strange language.

  4. "Who was that masked man? As if we didn't already know."

  5. Says the Arminian sheriff: "Well, son, I'd say you're free to leave or stay as you-soever will, but we don't want you 'round here. So you have until sundown to leave town. Call the time between now and then a prevenient grace period."

  6. A true Calvinist is never truly alone
