Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On a Given Sunday


  1. I'm sure the scoffer is predestined to end up in a ditch somewhere farther down the road. :)

  2. Watch him slip on the ice and crash because he wasn't paying attention and staring and mocking the other guy.

  3. I am reminded of a joke a Catholic friend told me: did you hear about the Calvinist who fell down a flight of stairs, stood up, dusted himself off and said, "Well, I'm glad that's over!"

  4. Yeah, it makes much more sense to believe God was totally taken by surprise when I skidded off the road . . . because it was just one of the many possibilities that He foresaw but refused to control. This outcome wasn't his will, but hopefully He has a contingency plan.

  5. On a Christian forum I discuss things on some of the people are like that. Here's a comment from one of them:

    I will beat you in being anti-calvinistic any day. When was the last time you made crank calls to the calvinist that lived down the street from you? Huh? Never? I thought so.

    When was the last time you snuck out out at night and let the air out of a calvinist's tire so that they can say, "God did this for some mysterious purpose"? Never? I thought so.

    Well... actually, I never did either. But I have thought about it and I bet you never did. So I got one up on you in the rabid anti-calvinist department

  6. @Coke Can: Don't they have anything better to do? That's really pathetic.

  7. That Arminian was predestined to have an awesome car.

  8. But maybe it was a sinful decision on the part of the Arminian car owner.

  9. Wow, Jay Leno? We sure get lots of famous people 'round these here parts...

  10. Yeah? What's it to you, sonny?

  11. Calvinist: "Stop and give me a hand, and I will teach you to distinguish between predestination and providence......I promise you, you'll THANK me for it."

  12. I get this as well. Though I find most actually dont know a thing about Calvinism. But what do you do? everyone has their own personality quirks. Like Mr Bell who does not believe in hell.
    Wow that actually rhymed :)

  13. Calvinist: "Couldn't resist yourself, could you?"
