Monday, April 25, 2011

Old Magazine Cover from 1951

This magazine was sent to our headquarters yesterday.
There was just a note that said, "Feel free to use this in your blog!"
Thanks, whoever you are. It is a pretty rare issue. 


  1. Very interesting and really cool. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Neat. Wish I could read that article by W. Powers. :)

  3. So this was Nigel's magazine and he managed to get on the cover?

    I see someone else, too!

  4. Well, here we are folks, the race is getting hot and heavy. Stranger.Strange.Land has lagged behind from holding the first place, yielding one length to Truthinator. Constitution Girl just cannot make up her mind as usual, and has fallen to third place again. Let me add, folks, that if humor judged the rankings, Persis and Stranger would be neck and neck. But back to our reporting, it seems that Joel the Immerser has focused on the goal and is inching up on Constitution Girl, who just glanced back and is thinking about moving up a level sooner than later, as I can tell from the new comments on the side bar.
    And now, a word from our sponsors ……………………

  5. That's hilarious...and the links made me choke on my mango juice.

  6. I see Corky got himself on the cover also!

  7. Pugnose DankerfieldApril 25, 2011 at 7:10 PM

    Day jus' don't make dose covers like day used ta. Bee-U-T-full!

  8. Corky's been around for awhile it seems. You can't stop that guy.

  9. ....welcome back from break to Top 40 Comment Tater radio! There doesn’t seem to be any change in ranking from last reporting. However, there seems to have been a slight disturbance on the sidelines. Mr. Eddie Eddings, our distinguished and behelmeted sponsor, was keeping one eye on the track and the other on his computer when Corky Velveeta poked him in the ribs, causing him to spew mango juice all over the race track. This caused a bit of a halt in the race, which explains why none of our contestants have moved from their current placings.
    But wait! Truthinator seems to have gotten some mango juice in his eyes; slowing him temporarily, making enough of a break for Stranger to skirt the mud and pull into first place once again! Constitution Girl seems to have become comfortable in third place and is coasting along with 115 points to her name. In fourth place, holding an admirable 89 on his name is Joel the Immerser who is quite ahead for being so new to the race. The other three have been in training for much longer (though I hear that Constitution Girl was in training for a mere six months).

    We will resume right after this commercial break...........

  10. Who is the Calvinist? The teen with the car with two horseshoes on the grill for good luck? The two girls walking by or the elderly man shaking his cane? :P

  11. ha ha! Mr. Boyd! Look-I made Mr. Eddings spit his drink out! Ha! Victory at last!
    Now if only we can make this happen more often..........

    Truthinator seems to have recovered himself, by the way......

  12. ConstitutionGirl

    Nice going. You are good.

  13. Oh, Mr. Boyd, have you forgotten Mark 10: 18? :) I suppose my comment might sound silly (and it probably was), but I was just referencing what you said earlier about one of your goals being to make Mr. Eddings spit out whatever he was drinking. :) I have to admit that I haven't done it yet....but he did choke, so that's a start. :D

  14. Making him choke on his mango juice is still pretty good, it takes a good bit of work to accomplish that.

  15. By the way, I love the commercials ads, the Comment Tater has really got something going.

  16. Thanks Mr. Wright! Maybe I should make that my official might spark more humor on my end more often. :) Look for an update soon......They are fun to do.

  17. Eddie actually caught me one time. I had initiated some comments revolving aroud the corny jokes that start out, "A minister, a priest, and a rabbi walked into a bar..."

    Then one morning while drinking my coffee, I brought up Calvinistic Cartoons on my computer, and saw this

  18. HAHAHAHAHA! I looked at the link. That's great.

  19. Yeah, the old fellow across the street looks familiar. I just wonder what Corky is doing over at his house.

  20. Perhaps Corky is about to pull the pin on Mr. Pettibone!
