Sunday, April 10, 2011

A Lesson from Luther


  1. The gospel is simple even though theologians often have a hard time communicating it in a fashion that all can understand.

  2. I wish that more preachers had that attitude, that it is not about impressing, but sharing a blessing.

  3. Oh that preachers today would take Luther's stand there. We'd have less professional pulpits and more passionate ones.

  4. The last church I attended was the reverse of this. The older professionals who were members had gained a well-established good ol' boy fashioned regime in the church. They've run out more than one pastor and now most of the rest of the church with the explicit sentiment that "if they don't like the way we run the church, they can just leave." So most of us did.

    Interestingly, this wasn't a Baptist church... it was a Lutheran church.
