Monday, April 18, 2011

JULIAN SMITH - Mr. Timn in Candyland

This is just goofy enough for me to post. It doesn't really tie in with anything (unless some of you creative minds can come up with a good theological reason). It just made me laugh. Don't hate on me, people.


  1. BAHA! I love his stuff...(for the most part). Here's one of my favorites, mostly because I think he snuck into my house and stole my cat to make the video: Beached Whale.

  2. Let's see here . . . while diligently laboring over the dishes, a responsible, respectful and polite young man is assailed by a selfish, pugnacious, and overly talkative fool, who stupidly gets himself run over by a car while recklessly crossing the street to fulfill his unbridled cravings.

    It's the whole book of Proverbs in one act.

  3. @The Blainemonster:
    I agree. I love his humor...(for the most part)

    Thanks, bro. I knew it had to have some spiritual significance...I was just too lazy to even try to come up with anything!

  4. Okay, that was completely random in typical Julian Smith fashion. Classic YouTube.

  5. @THEOparadox: Perfect! Let's see if he does Ecclesiastes next!

  6. This is like an OnTheBox
    transition challenge where they have to transition a video-any video-to the gospel or a spiritual theme. :D

    the Christian should be so immersed in Jesus that the ungodly practices of the world don’t even make sense.

  7. Mr Timn is like and Arminian and Toby is like a Colvinist...

  8. Mr. Timn is like Eddie Eddings and Toby is like Big Bird on Sesame Street.

  9. Mr. Timn is a man consumed with the temporary things of this life and it leads to his demise on his way to another fleeting vanity. Toby is the grounded servant doing his daily duty.
