Wednesday, April 20, 2011

As of Today - The Hardships of Blogging Daily

Because of the controversy of body gender in the comment section, I has been forced ta reveal da original photo ta prove it is NOT a female person, but a genuine dude.

Now, back to the original post...

It has been quite a run with Calvinistic Cartoons. My pace (not pacemaker) is slowing down. (I don't have a pacemaker...yet.) The cartoons and humor are harder to come by. My creative juices have been out in the Kuwait sun far too long and my ideas are starting to drift out to sea. Anyone who attempts to do a daily blog knows that it starts to take a toll on your mind after a few years. I have mentioned it before, and I'll say it again...I am old enough to be my own father. I can remember when folks sat down at the dinner table and counted their blessings instead of calories. I can remember when I could remember. Age brings a lot of physical problems as well. Along with my fading eyesight are various aches and pains that have unpacked and moved in without an invitation. I hope everyone will understand that things have to change. Some bloggers post every week or so and still maintain a good following. Some take a vacation from their blog for a month or two. So, as of today, I am going to post only on days that end with a "y". 


  1. Yes, blogging daily is hard. That's why I don't even try (unless I can do it automatically).

    Thank you for all you do! Be happy in your work!

  2. I've been thinking about the same thing – taking a "slow down" break. It's hard making my mind work this hard all the time. Sometimes I can make up my mind, but there are frequently occasions where my mind wanders; however, most often I've simply lost track of it.

    So, good on ya, for taking a break and blessings blogging only on the days that end with "y"....

    ...Hey, wait a minute!

  3. You could also try only posting seven days out of a week too. Just an idea.

  4. Thanks, confessionalouthouse, that rousing theme song gave me more energy than an Eveready.

  5. Kevin, you are most understanding.

  6. Sherri, coming from the author of "The Winds of the Molornu" and "Armoria Awakens", that is wisdom I will heed.

  7. Eddie, I'll peek at your postings even if they slow down to 8 entries per week!

  8. Cool picture!

    In light of this bad news, I've decided I'm only going to read this blog on days that rhyme with "A". I'm switching to Arminian Antics on all of the other days. Sorry.

  9. THEO, hope you don't mind me calling you THEO, I understand almost completely. I may switch myself!

  10. Thanks a lot,'re not such a monster after all! (Why did your parents name you that, anyway?)

  11. Understandable. I tried blogging daily and I was just running out of brain-energy. I post every other day now unless I find something I really like and post it the next day too.

    "on days that only end with a 'y'" That's a big slowdown for you. :-)

  12. " So, as of today, I am going to post only on days that end with a "y". "

    Surprised to see you posting on the 20th.

    " I can remember when I could remember."

    I can't remember that far back. :)

  13. Kansas Bob, I don't know about you, but the days seem to pass by a little faster than they used to.

  14. Why did your parents name you that, anyway? Because they couldn't spell "Al"....

  15. And here I was feeling guilty about trying to get that once a week thing going. Many, many of us (who don't even comment often) enjoy the fruits of your labor and appreciate whatever you can offer; even on days that end in.... well, you know.

  16. I'm sorry but I really do understand.

    Nevertheless, I am going to miss you on all those other days.

  17. Scott, pastoring is a full-time job. I don't want to give the impression that once a week is not enough. Consistency is the important thing. Thanks for your comments and I can't wait to get my hands on the book you sent to my American address! I will be there June 21st with all the jet lag I can muster.

  18. Yep, blogging every day can be quite a drain. make sure you rest up good on those off days. :)

  19. Ralph! It's great to hear from you again my brother! Hope all is going well with you.

  20. I should have known better. But I did fall for it at first.
    CC has taught me things, though. I have been introduced to theological terms I hadn't heard before, and Corky has forever cemented in my mind that when debating an Arminian, Romans 9 is the place to go. :D

    Oh, and I loved throwing Rob Bell out the window.

    Enjoy your break, Mr. Eddings. We'll miss you!

  21. Ink Slinger, all my days are "off" days (mentally). I teach first grade literacy and tutor 3rd grade students in Kuwait. Plus, the art and voice-overs take some effort. But, my favorite thing is (it's like my new hobby - and cheaper than any other hobby I know of) is blogging Calvinistic Cartoons. (It will probably continue after I'm in Heaven for a little while - really) I try to stay at least a month pre-sheduled.

  22. Thanks CG, my trip to the U.S. will be June 20th through sometime in August.

  23. "(It will probably continue after I'm in Heaven for a little while - really) I try to stay at least a month pre-scheduled."

    Very prudent of you. :)

  24. Tell me if this helps, Eddie.

    I just read on my World Net Daily feed that President Obama, in a move designed to appease the opposition party (it didn't say which one that is), has proposed adding three days to each week. This could be the answer to your a way that........I haven't......quite.....figured out,.....yet.

  25. I need to pick up on my blogging. Slowed down a bit. :-( Oh well. I'd like to blog every other day.

    Love your blog, brother. Sorry to hear that you'll be cutting back. :-( I only post on days that have 'd' in them...

    Isn't the body in that picture a woman? Ir looks a bit...odd...

  26. @ Joel the Immerser

    Um, there's something we haven't told you about Eddie Eddings . . . her real name is Edie!

    ha ha ha ha ha, just kidding!

    Sorry, I couldn't resist.

  27. Eddie,

    I understand your predicanment. I am more restrictive than you. Instead of only posting on days that end in Y, I only post on days that end in DAY. So there you go...I don;t have to psat nearly as often as you...or do I?

    Hey, instead of posting everyday, how about posting seven days a week? Then you can rest a day or two...or three maybe. How many days are there in a week...or is it weak?

    Obliviously yours,

  28. @Joel: I didn't notice that either, but you know, you're right it does kinda look like a woman. Wow.

  29. @Truthinator: "I understand your predicanment. I am more restrictive than you. Instead of only posting on days that end in Y, I only post on days that end in DAY. So there you go...I don;t have to psat nearly as often as you...or do I?"
    Dude, woah! You outdo both of us...Man...

    That's cold, man, cold.

  30. Aha! The body-snatcher reveals the gender of his victim!

  31. I am glad you have come to this conclusion, as I was just thinking that reading your blog as often as it was updated was also becoming a chore.

    So I will be with you now and only read it on days that end in "y."

    What a relief!

  32. Well that's a relief. The bracelets threw me off.

  33. Sorry, didn't mean to cause controversy.

  34. MIchael, 'tis okay, my friend. I believe that controversy has its benefits!

  35. Thanks for clarifying. Throwing Corky in was a nice touch. :-D

    God bless.

  36. Wait a minute! Are you saying the picture isn't really you, but you Photo-chopped it? I can't believe it. You haven't done this before on other posts, have you? I'm starting to wonder if I can trust anything I've seen on Calvinistic Cartoons! All those Corky pictures aren't fake, are they? Wait, let me sit down and take a deep breath before you answer that.

    And to think I've been praying earnestly for his safety on all of those dangerous journeys around the world . . .

    At least tell me Benny Finney is real. He is real, isn't he?

  37. Benny (or Ben) Finney info here:

  38. Wow, thanks Richard! You've just cleared up at least three things:

    1. Benny Finney is real (yea!)
    2. All of the characters on Star Trek are real
    3. Benny Finney is the time traveler featured in a recent CC post.

  39. Well, you can see the family resemblance in his eyes!

  40. Eddie,

    If you need some time off, take 24 hours but we cannot give you an entire day away from your duties...

    Do you remember when Komrade Obama was campaigning and he said he had visited 52 - 53 states and still had about 6 to visit? If he had benn a republican candidate, game over!

    This is what inspired me to use the week vs. 7 days and the day vs. 24 hour comments.

    I plan to immediately take a half an hour off to get some breakfast but I cannot be gone for as long as 30 minutes...

  41. Inspiring those comments might be the first good thing he's done since being elected.

  42. I'm so glad you're finally slowing down some. I might actually be able to comment more without feeling so overly overwhelmed! I'm equally glad that you can remember when you could remember. That's really good. I miss those days.

  43. @THEOparadox: Bahahaha! At least Corky's real. You gotta know that.

  44. I've always thought that it would be nice to someday show up at Mr. Eddings house with a Corky suit on, just to see how he would react. Don't tell him that.
    So does someone want to come dressed as Nigel Pettibone? Remember, this is a secret. As soon as Mr. Laughface sends me that $7,000 he promised me, I should be able to afford the trip, almost.

  45. Well, I've got your RSS on my reader so I'll still see every post if you slow down.
