Saturday, April 16, 2011

Arminian Antics #48


  1. Keep it coming, Benny, you're good for a laugh at least. So what about your optical illusion book? Why isn't that mentioned here?

  2. LOL at Mama's (and son's) Antics!

  3. Where can I get that book? I have never heard such teachings about heaven so wonderfully described! :)

  4. The sad thing is: there are several books just about like this (well, okay, I don't think Don Miller walked on Heaven's air; and I don't think the little 4-year-old kid, in the latest installment, saw his mama). And people pay good money for them. And author's keep writing them... including this flake!

  5. I must say, there's something about Aunt Linsen's comment that just strikes me funny. I think I saw a movie where a dog was singing that in the pound. The Shaggy D.A. I think. Classic old Disney film.

  6. Why does the really cool stuff only happen to charismatics? Why can't R.C. Sproul or John Frame ever have a wild vision of eternity? Even Reformed Charmismatics never come out with stuff this amazing!

  7. @THEOparadox: Guess we're all just boring. :-(

  8. Mimi Me: "You didn't see any Calvinists up there did you? I hope not."
