Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Take a Break Eat a Treat

What other blog serves you a nice, cold serving of banana pudding?
None, I tells ya!
Enjoy this -  and if you want problemo, amigo.
I have plenty where that came from!


  1. Thank you kindly, good sir; I'm not much into sweets, however.

    Got any chicken sandwiches?

  2. Geeee, thanks, Eddie. And with 'Nilla Wafers.

    * (I'll take Joel's too, if he doesn't want it : )

  3. you are a photographer now, or is that something Corky ate at an exotic restaurant?

    You can have my serving, too, Mr. Boyd. :)

  4. I claim it, it's mine all mine!!!

  5. mmmmm. That was yummy.

    Do you still want it, Skip?

  6. Better hurry, it's going fast. Pudding this good can't be resisted.

  7. @Stranger: You can have mine. :-D

    No! Watch out, everyone! Skip Dover's naming and claiming, blabbing and grabbing, blocking and locking!

  8. Thanks, Joel. Come to think of it, I figure you owe me a dessert treat anyway, being as I "lost" mine while reading a recent post on your blog . ; )

  9. Joel, I think you may be glad to know that I have added you to my blog list. Now everyone can jump into your blog whenever they "choose".

  10. Banana pudding is the classic cultural dessert in my neck of the woods. Is this something that you can get in Kuwait? I saw all kinds of delectables in Dubai, but I don't recall seeing any kind of banana pudding.

  11. @Stranger: Ah, yes! Of course. ;-)
    @Brother Eddie: Thank you, sir! I appreciate that.

    God bless, brothers.

  12. Jim, they just don't make homemade banana puddin' like they do in the south. I wouldn't doubt that Heaven will have the best banana puddin' ever tasted at the Marriage Supper. The closest thing I have found here in Kuwait, other than my wife's own recipe, is Blue Bell's Banana Pudding Ice Cream...but, it's like fifteen American dollars for a half gallon!
