Friday, March 18, 2011

Rob Bell Seen Leaving CC Headquarters


  1. Is THAT the way you treat a brother? Where is your love? It appears heretics show more love than YOU!

  2. I'd like to throw YOU out of a hot air balloon that is floating over an active volcano!

  3. When you return to the states I will be waiting for you...with a pair of brass knuckles and a three-sectional staff.

  4. Hmm...I wonder who Harry Tixx is. :-P

  5. You guys are all just a buncha hypocrites. SO THERE!

  6. Who you call a hippo, Crit?

  7. I ain't calling nobody a hippo! You need to learn how to read. And spell. Or something. You missed your "ing"!

  8. You're hopeless.

  9. No, I am Hippo Crit! Good day to you, sir!

    Now, it is late, so I best be off to bed. I have tea with our BROTHER (B-R-O-T-H-E-R) ROB BELL in the morning. Toodle-ooo!

  10. I'd like to know if we can truly consider Rob Bell a Bible-Believing Christian? Thought not.

  11. Bell might not believe in Hell but, for the record, I do.

  12. Oh no! There's more of them!

    Wordwood...Screwtape...Where have I heard those names before...

  13. I had coffee with those guys last week. Both barrels full of laughs. NOT. They drunk - drank? - down their coffee, then, KABOOM! They were out of there, leaving me with the tab. "We'll help pay," they said. "Not put it all on you," they said...

    I should have known better than to listen to guys dressed in all black with two weird sounding names. Ridiculous.

  14. We would have helped pay if the coffee hadn't tasted so bad. It's all your fault!

  15. Oh, be quiet, Wormwood.

  16. This thing appears to be a magnet.

    OK, show's over (for now). Hope you guys had a few good laughs. God bless.

  17. "OK, show's over (for now)."
    translates: I'm going to bed. NO MORE SHOW UNTIL I WAKE UP!"
    He don't know me very well, do he.

  18. Shut up you idiot! You'll wake him!

  19. Well he called me a maggot!

  20. He said MAGNET you dorkus demonicus!

  21. Hilarious. Absolutely hilarious.

    And this is a genuine comment from an actual commenter!

  22. Hah!

    And a standing ovation to the cast of commentators!

  23. Stop it I say! I just laughed so hard that coffee came out of my nose-and I'm not drinking coffee!!!!

  24. Did you check identification carefully? I think he was an impostor that was thrown out the window. Bell would not have had an interest, business, or reason to be @ CC's HQ. So, did love win again?

  25. It’s like a metaphor for a false dichotomy of a paradoxical irony wrapped in a mystery.

  26. This is a perfectly dramatized version of "Farewell, Rob Bell!" Very funny, but watch out because you'll surely to be criticized by Rod "Jerry" Olsen for this!

    Just one quick reminder for all of us: pray for Rob Bell. May God have mercy on him, and those he has deceived.

  27. Meanwhile, John Piper tweets: God is most glorified in heretics when they are hurled through windows.

    Rob Bell: Ahem. I believe I had a set of horns.

    Berean Blogger: Ha! Proof that Eddie Eddings is cozy with heretics. What was Rob Bell doing at CC headquarters in the first place? I have two words for you: guilt by association.

    Armin Eon: Just like that madman, Calvin. He killed millions, ya know.

    Mo Rahn: See. This is why I could never be a Christian.

    Miss Informed: Did you move in with Rob Bell and cook him breakfast? If not, how can you judge him?

  28. Rod "Jerry" Olsen! Hilarious!
    Well I don't care what Rob Bell says or does or how many times you throw him thru a window I am not going to comment until he write a book about geting thrown through the window and I read it!
    Oh and I will be on vacation for awhile so I don't know when I will have time to read it, so stop bugging me. Rod-jerry-Olsen.

  29. Looks like you rung his Bell. So what was he doing in Kuwait?

  30. Wow. That whole comment line was pretty interesting. Anyway, I don't recall in the forecast sunny with a chance of heretics...

  31. Wish I could have commented...I just didn't have time!

  32. You HAD the time! You just didn't apply always!

  33. You two muttonheads report back to the boss! You are being demoted.

  34. Something about the clothing doesn't say "Rob Bell". Where's the gigantic black turtleneck?

  35. What do you mean? According to Wickedpedia, Rob Bell was seen wearing that exact outfit at a Starbucks in Grand Rapids, Michigan on April 19th, 2010.

  36. I'm a close personal friend of Rob Bell. This morning he called me and said,

    "Really? Rob Bell was thrown out the window? He was? And someone knows this for sure? And they felt the need to tell the rest of us about it?"

    Then he said,

    "This is why lots and lots of people want nothing to do with Calvinistic Cartoons . . ."

    We had to cut the call short because the doctor was finally ready to see him.

  37. I knew there had to be a reasonable explanation for members dropping out. It was caused by pane.

  38. After reading (and laughing through) the comments here I forgot what I was going to say.

  39. Yes, Eddie, we all go through so much pane.

  40. Bell worshipers? Followers of Bell? I am living in prophetic times!

  41. I am number 50 in you list of comments. Do I win something?

  42. no you're not. you number 51. and I don't think Eddie is giving any prizes to a group of heretics.

  43. Actually, Kent Nelson is number fifty by my count. I was going to send him a check for $7,000 until I found out that he is a fictional character who goes by the alias, Dr. Fate.

  44. Phlegm C. Cretion?

    I'm glad I wasn't drinking my morning tea when I saw this one.

  45. Doesn't Harry Tixx have a German cousin called Hermann U Tixx? I'd like to hear what he has to say.

  46. I have to admit that I was completely ignorant of the Love Wins issue when this was first posted. But having read many articles since then (including the book I think Someone's Been Smoking My Catnip by Snowflake the cat), I now 'get' this cartoon, and find it hilarious! :D

  47. What did Eddie and Corkie say that made Rob Bell jump out the window like that? And will it work on all heretics?

  48. The Defrenestration of Kuwait. Even better than the one in Prague!
