Monday, February 21, 2011

Fan Photo from Galahad Pontoon

A hearty thanks and a check for $7,000 goes out to long time fan, 
Mr. Galahad Pontoon of Pencil Neck, Nebraska.
You have made my President's Day!   


  1. I think I see it, and it doesn’t look happy! The one I see is to the left of Washington.
    There is also an Indian or something on the bottom left-ish. Actually, it might be the baker Joseph interpreted the dream to.

  2. It looks sort of like our Indonesian born Muslim president, Barry Sotero a.k.a. Barack Hussein Obama. Could it be?

  3. I think that I see an image kinda like E.T. next to Washington.

  4. No one has seen it yet. Keep looking.

  5. Wait a minute... I see Rick Warren and the Jonas Brothers. It must be getting close to Easter!

  6. I found the face, but I can't really make out who it is...

  7. Here's the answer:

    View the photo at a ninety degree, counter-clockwise position...either turn your head or pick up your monitor and turn it. You should be able to see the "face" rather clearly. If not, squint your eyes a little.

  8. I don't recognize the counter-clockwise, scowling profile of the one who rather reminds me of ex-president R.M. Nixon...

    but if you lay on your left side like Ezekiel, or turn your monitor clockwise you may just see Lon Chaney, Jr. as "The Wolfman."

  9. To the left of Washington I see a very sad looking ET.

  10. I can see the E.T. face on the rock outcropping to the left of Washington. Amazing! Mt. Rushmore will never look the same again.

  11. The only thing that happened when I turned my head sideways was that I burned my ear in my coffee....wait - I'm still looking...

  12. Well I'm thinking it's another Abe Lincoln...Washington forms his nose, the shadowed area to the side of the "original" Lincoln is the eye socket...and those trees must be some kind of skin fungus...

  13. Now that it is later in the day and the shadows have moved with the clouds, in the bottom left there seems to be a little fox or maybe even chiuaua (chihuahua).

  14. 90 degrees is the trick! The whole thing is the face. The gap between Teddy and Abe is the eye Jefferson and Washington are the nose and the rock formation next to Washington is the mouth and chin.

  15. Sometimes we need to look at things at a different perspective to get the big picture.

  16. Hey, that's a pretty cool trick!

  17. @ ConstitutionGirl

    I also see the face to the left of George W., and it is so obviously a miraculous image of Saint Mother Theresa that it isn't funny.

    Well, maybe a little funny.

  18. Oh, I see it now! Looks very solemn.

  19. I want to see, really, I do, but I just cant
