Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Blogger's Vexation


  1. If it's any comfort, I just discovered Calvinistic Cartoons today, and added it to my RSS aggregator. And look, I'm even submitting a comment!

  2. Be not so vexed. You get more comments than I do. Oddly, the most comments I get are on non-theological status updates on my Facebook page. The theological ones - very little comments. I hit a deer and get a boatload of discussion. And the vast majority of hits on my blog are for photos of the tables at the Festival of Tables the ladies do at my church. Go figure.

  3. Where oh where have the commentors gone? Like sheep they have gone astray they have turned to other blogs along the way.

  4. I haven't left, I am just more quiet than I have been before. I am reading ten chapters of the Bible a day......which, I have found, is better done during daylight hours.

  5. It seems like a get more comments than I expect...but half are mine:P

  6. I never leave any blogger comments. NEVER!

  7. Paul, I only hope you change your mind someday. I can only wait in silence for a comment you might decide to make in the future.
