Wednesday, February 9, 2011

At Last!


  1. For people like me who blog in total anonymity, any comment is welcome. For blogs like this one, I assume people are just laughing too hard to find the comment button. You are greatly appreciated, sir.

    One question: what on earth is a "dinywort"??? (word verification)

  2. Scott, thanks for the comment! They are always appreciated. As for your question about the "dinywort" is a microscopic mutated bedbug that can bury itself in the stratum granulosum of the epidermis. It can cause the epidermal cells to start itching when commenting on a blog.

  3. Also, I'm shutting down the word verification. If spam starts showing up again I may have to bring it back. For now, that troublesome item is no longer employed.

  4. [angry peasant mob with raised pitchforks] "Down with the word verifications!"

    [little boy with British accent] "... and the Dinyworts!"

  5. "that troublesome item is no longer employed."

    Sadly, the global recession has even put Word Verifications out of work.

  6. Rest assured that your cartoons are received daily with great exhilaration. Sadly, a great chasm lies between reading something and actually commenting on it in writing. Keep at it!

  7. Good grief why would he sleep in that thing?

  8. Early comics were written for children and there are plenty of goofy things to enjoy. Note that Batman (in a few posts below) seemed to want to wear his cape and cowl to bed as well! I plan on sticking a few panels of comic weirdness on CC every once in a while.

  9. Great Scott Batman, to the Bat cave! Someone may be commenting on our blog right now. Wow, Zap, Pop !!#$%T

  10. Well, I sleep with a cape and mask on, but I'm not gonna go posting it all over the internet like I'm some superhero!!! :D

  11. I don't comment much because everyone else always says the good stuff and I don't want to be just a "me too" poster. :)

  12. Me too! Like Mike says.

  13. Now, if only I could find a CPAP mask that looked like that. That would be WAY cool -- might even make having sleep apnea seem worth it. :-D

  14. Hey, that ProgMan guy might be on to something. I was thinking the exact same thing under a different login.

  15. I heard that his sleep machine is set on tropical birds. I could be wrong though...

  16. Well, it sure ain't set on Joel Osteen!
