Friday, September 24, 2010

Guessing Game


  1. let me be the first to state the obvious.
    The Calvinist is the one with the moustache. We always have excellent facial hair.

  2. He needs to connect that 'stache with some side chops.

  3. the stache looks good, but the chops would look even better.

  4. Just what I thought! You Calvinists are never satisfied with what you claim to be "decreed". Is not this fellow's mustache, or lack thereof, part of "predestination" as you like to call it? Huh? I guess I shut your mouths! Chalk up another victory for me, Benny Finney, Master Arminian and Captain of my own soul! Ha!

  5. Hi Benny! Shouldn't you be at home, willing your stache to grow?

  6. Wow! How can twins be so different?

    Corky Velveeta,
    the Romans 9 grenade

  7. Corky! You're one of my heroes!

    The one was predestined to be different. The other one chose to be different.

  8. Of course the guy with the marvelous 'stache is the Calvinist: he will be better rested afterward having sat back and enjoyed the flight. The guy on top will be unnecessarily white-knuckling it in the pilot's seat all night.

  9. The stache exhibits the inner confidence that can only be held by those who have come to rest in the grace of our Lord and Savior. -The Stache has spoken
