Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Just for Laughs #118

I pray you have a caption or two.


  1. Gentlemen, I've done it! In an effort to reach the young and disinterested, I have successfully translated the King James into Pig Latin... ets-lay arty-pay !

  2. Wait a minute, wait a minute! I think I have finally found a verse tha...No, dang it! That one is Calvinistic too.

    The first verse by verse refutation of Calvinism.

  3. Piper, Mahaney and other reformed charismatics gather to consider the next national conference site.

  4. Abbracadabra, you're an arminian. salvation here and poof it's gone. Now it's back ta-da

  5. "For you folks at home who are just tuning in: with twelve minutes left in the third quarter of the sermon, the officials are reviewing the call that the preacher comitted a foul in using the "railroad bridge operator" illustration in his exposition of John, three - sixteen."

  6. An elder watching Free Willy? Hoots mon, there's a woose loose aboot this hoose.

  7. With hands lifted high we beseech Thee oh Lord to pour out Your grace upon us and heal these bald spots.
