Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just for Laughs #110

Ancient caption needed


  1. Hey Helen, do you remember like two minutes ago when you completely freaked out all over me for asking you like twenty "do you remember" questions in a row?

    Epaphroditus could make hanging out at the reflecting pond a real beat down.

  2. After Jesus rebuked Martha, she decided to be as laid back as Mary. Unfortunately, after their dinner guests went home no one was left to clean up.

  3. "That Paul of Tarsus is sooooo dreamy."

  4. Act natural and they won’t suspect we tagged the wall.

  5. So what brings a Scott Lass like you all the way to Greece anyhow?

  6. I will tell you, but promise me you will keep it a secret.
    You see there is a ship heading for Tarshish it has all my inheritance and Assyrian investments and the one most expensive jewel in the whole of Ninevah. The ship has just been delayed by a small storm but every thing will soon be here and we will rule the world my daughter, Agrippa!
