Thursday, June 3, 2010

Use Daily

click to enlarge so as not to get a headache


  1. If you need relief fast, you must pray.
    See Christ’s glory first and last, when you pray.
    So get down there on your knees,
    For the one that we must please
    Is the Father of decrees
    Now go pray!

  2. Hey Eddie,

    Though I haven't commented in quite awhile, you know that I've been tuning in.

    I love this Prayer Asprin. Next week I've already scheduled to post automatically several quotes on prayer at Justification by Grace. I'd like to post this one and link back to EdEdsCalvCart... to kind of say, sorry it's been so longs since I've posted, my friend.

    Oh yeah, and Cotton Adams is a Calvinist!

  3. Hey Brother Eddie,

    I went down to our local pharmacy and asked for a bottle of Prayer Aspirin and they looked at me like I was nuts! I guess I'll have to look in The Bible to locate some Prayer Aspirin.


  4. Jon, post anything from my site you choose. Your blog is always a blessing...and too bad I'm not Corky Velveeta or you would have come close to winning $7,000.

  5. Ron, (Old Geezer) that made me laugh out loud. It's always great to hear from you.

    Folks, if you haven't taken a look at The Old Geezer's blog - you need to. It's one of the fastest growing blogs in the Christian Blogosphere!

  6. Looks like it is working. I got over to my office late and just checked my email, but here is a big AMEN for you brother!

  7. So THAT'S what it means when someone says, "He doesn't have a Prayer!"

  8. This subject is edifying and encouraging. Prayer through embracing God's promises of grace get's rid of my spiritual sickness.

    Watch out for those pills that will destroy your health. A Prayer through embracing confidence in my flesh is sure to make me spiritually sick.

    Oh, Lord open our eyes that we might behold and embrace your wonders of grace in your word.


  9. Boy, did I need this today Eddie! I need a triple dose for all of the ailments listed!

  10. I was going to say "available without a prescription." But it is in fact prescribed. By the highest authority.
