Wednesday, June 9, 2010

That's Just Wrong!

An old ad found in Arminian Army Magazine


  1. Jeet Kune Do?? I thought you made this up till I googled it! I know lots of people who would gladly pay the 25 cents for this course!

  2. I've had this used on me. Not fun.

  3. Yes, Andy, I can see by the photo. Hope you heal soon.

    ...why do you think I always wear my helmet?

  4. That's right, Angus! He's a Southern Baptist Arminian from Alabama. The mullet is a dead giveaway. Many of them graduated from the Jeff Foxworthy school of Rednecks and Remonstants, an extension of George Fox Seminary and Redd Foxx Bible College.

    I have run-ins with these fiesty, fist-flying free-willers all the time.

  5. Calvinist Self-defense Institute

    Tired of Arminian bullies kicking sand on life's towel? Wish you didn't look like a passive whimp when the Biker Arminians ride into town?

    Then try the "Kung Pow" school of self-defense and be the "Chosen One!"

  6. Veddy interestingk (to paraphrase Arte Johnson on LAUGH-IN). As a former Calvinist here as a mole for the opposition I'm tempted to mail in the coupon, but as a comics buff I can't bring myself to clip the coupon--even a virtual one! By the way, Eddie, we Arminians prefer fighting with Yubiwaza, where even a 98-pound fundie Baptist like Steven Anderson can paralyze James White with just one finger. Look out!!
