Sunday, June 20, 2010

Spurgeon on Evangelism


  1. When Calvinism = the Gospel, as it did with CHS, evangelism is at the forefront, dispelling the myth that Calvinists aren't evangelisitc. AWESOME AWESOME quote.

    P.S. Just curious - when "damming" sinners, how do you stack them? Sorry! Couldn't resist!

  2. What a heart of tender compassion and urgency Spurgeon reveals in this statement! Jonathan Edwards also makes his point clear by depicting sinners held over the pit of hell by God much as one would hold a "loathsome" spider.

    Oh, that God would bless me with such vision and zeal for lost souls!!

  3. Can you fix the spelling of "damned"?

  4. Thanks, James. I appreciate it when someone points out spelling mistakes. (The Blainemonster attempted to point that out at the outset, but I have a blindspot when it comes to most of my own mistakes) The bad thing is I can't correct it until I get back to Kuwait in August! I don't have a laptop and my PC has my Photoshop tools...until then, I will remain the laughing stock of the English Department at Yell. (well, at least I can spell phonetically!)
    Thanks again, brother.

  5. Sounds good. And if your travels bring you through Central Illinois, stop by!

  6. Well, James, I was able to correct this with my son's computer in Richardson, Texas. He is the VP of Licensing and Business Development of Gearbox, a video game company, and the voice of Claptrap, the robot of Borderlands.
    If I ever want to feel like I am twenty years behind in technology, I visit my son, who has all the latest gadgets. Gearbox keeps him up to date. He was given a top-of-the-line iPad which mades you feel like you are living in the future, Star Trek style.
    It is hard not to covet sometimes people. Excuse me for a moment as I battle with that. I'll be back momentarily.

  7. Okay, I am back and content with what I have...and have not...wait, the battle has started again! Pray for me - I need the prayers and you need the practice. Got to focus on the Lord and not on electronic gadgets...Okay, I'm back where I should be. Let's change the subject. 'bout those hymnals.
