Thursday, June 10, 2010


(click on one of the squares to enlarge)


  1. Without the use of photoshop and using only the bare naked eye, the Artist Also Known As Bob, says they're both the same. It's lost on me. Is he right?

  2. Yes, they're the same (as verified via the Gimp). The secret is the perception: In the graphic, the human brain will adjust according to the perceived shadow. But the point is the picture, not the assumed reality behind the picture, and in the picture, blocks A and B are the same

  3. Fantastic! even when i move a piece of block A onto block B, i STILL don't want to believe it's the same. amazing.

  4. Wow. This is great. They are the same. Though, that's hard to believe. I would agree with Jim.
    Have a good day...:)

  5. It is pretty incredible. My whole point of this exercise is that we should trust God's Word, even in those places where we don't fully understand. The world sees things in a "different light". We should see things in His "Light" and believe God and trust Him in everything!

  6. btw...if you haven't read it. Pick up a copy of Perelandra by C.S. Lewis. You won't be able to put it down. At least, I couldn't. Someone had put super-glue on the cover.

  7. Point well taken. The fact that Bob got and I didn't must also speak to the fact that the woman was first deceived. (Now we're making this illustration "walk on all fours")

    3 thumbs for Perelandra, Out of The Silent Plant & That Hideous Strength. In our humble opinion, they are Lewis's best works ever.

  8. WOW!! Even after reading the comments I had to test it myself.


  9. Wow! Good for hours of enjoyment. I tried several other squares just to make sure it wasn't a trick!

  10. For those of you without a photo imaging means of proving this...just continue to squint your eyes until you see the match.

  11. I knows what them things be - Op-decal Allusions! It plays tricks on yer eye cones. Good lesson though.
