Saturday, June 5, 2010

Arminian Antics #8


  1. Brother Eddie, you sure come up with some good ones. Thanks for the laugh.



    A.A. We hear that, not only are you playing multiple roles for this epic Rick Warren extravaganza, but you are also channeling multiple personalities to play each role.

    G.B. That's right, man. I'm driven... ya know... as in purpose.

    A.A. Oh, yeah. I get it. Purpose Driven.

    G.B. You've gotta pull out all the stops when you prepare for a role like this. It's like... like a jelly roll, playing Pastor Warren. You know?

    A.A. I don't quite get it.

    G.B. That's okay. Roll with it, man. Because, what ya gotta do is let the whole thing become a part of you.

    A.A. I think I'm following you now. I heard that you even went through the 101 and 102 classes at Saddleback Community Church.

    G.B. Oh yeah, baby! I'm a tither and everything. Got wet in the pool and the whole thing. It was wicked.

    A.A. You mean, righteous, don't you?

    G.B. That too, but ya know, Rick was cool with it 'cause he just rolled with it, ya know. He just rolled, man.

    [pause] That's why I wanted the role...

    A.A. Because he rolls?

    G.B. That's right, man, 'cause he rolls, 'cause he rolls.

    A.A. I understand that you are also preparing for the role by filming a 35mm short in black and white coincident with The Quick Change Artist.

    G.B. That's right, man. We're shooting The Purpose Driven Fife. I'm playing the parts of Andy, Floyd the Barber, and Aunt Bea.

    A.A. Aunt Bea?

    G.B. [Howls like a coyote]

    A.A. Is that a yes?

    G.B. Oh yeah, man, sorry. That's a yes. I can play it all, man.

    A.A. And you're also directing the short.

    G.B. [Howls like a wolf this time] I was going to play Opie too but we're given that to Johnny Depp.

    A.A. Who's playing Barney Fife?

    G.B. You won't believe it, man. We got Robert Downey, Jr. Can you believe it, man? Robert Downey, Juuun-yoooor! [Trumpets like an elephant]

    A.A. Mr. Busey, did you just trumpet like an elephant?

    G.B. I sure did, man. I sure did. I've got a huge range. I can play it all, man.

    A.A. Mr. Busey.

    G.B. Uh, yeah, man.

    A.A. You do know that I'm a girl, right? My name is Penny Finney, the director's daughter.

    G.B. Oh, yeah, man. I knew that. Sorry, man.

  3. I just posted the CORRECTED version of AA #8. I had failed to update the comments. Sorry if anyone suffered confusion from my mistake. So click on it again and read the improved version.

  4. Jon Jon (either you are a large family or you have multi-personalities) THAT WAS GENIUS!
    I could almost hear Gary Busey's hyper-active voice in every line.
    You captured him perfectly. I hope Mr. Busey mentions you when he accepts his eleventh Academy Award.

  5. Thanks, Eddie!

    I've got a huge range, man. Like Busey, I can play it all.

    Blessings to you, brother.


    Jon Cardwell
    Justification by Grace
    Jon "Hey you" Cardwell
    Jon "Jacob Jingleheimer" Cardwell
    Jon "His Name is My Name 2" Cardwell
    Jon "Jon Romper Pattern" Cardwell
    Jon "Calvinistc Cartoons is the Greatest Blog on the Planet" Cardwell
