Thursday, April 15, 2010

Suggestions? Advice? Earn Points!

If you don't have a suggestion then you may want
to provide a caption for this photo above.
It'll do ya good.


  1. to post YouTube video, go to the video's page and click the "" button. then just press Ctrl-C to copy the code, and paste it into the HTML of your blog post. ;)

  2. the stuff between quotation marks was supposed to be "<EMBED>"

  3. BTW...all next week is "Cult Week" at CC. You can learn about the morons who played twister with Scripture...and their bizarre endings.

  4. FWI...the comic book on the desk in the photo is the same comic book featured in the March 4th, 2010 post of Calvinistic Cartoons.
    Who knew?

  5. Oh yeah, I almost forgot...gizhi you just earned 5 points!

  6. Long time reader, new follower. Wouldn't change a thing. Oh did I just win the 10,000th posting contest?

  7. No...but you earned 5 points for the comment.

  8. Eddie, maybe you could inform us about the cult that does wrestle against flesh and blood. Their pastor just wrote a book called "The Pile-Driven Church."

    Here's a caption:
    "Just look at your plummeting approval ratings, Mr. President. I'm telling you, that hat just doesn't inspire confidence. Now can we please throw that thing away?"

  9. Hey Eddie,

    Blogger recently came out with a more robust page designer that you may enjoy fiddling with, being the artistic type that you are.

    Check it out here:

    Click "layout", then "template designer" to see the new features.

  10. Would Corky consider giving his testimony at the opening service of the Central Point Christian Fellowship?

    Maybe he will take a picture and sign it for each visitor.

    Oh wait a minute that's the other guys isn't it?

  11. Eddie,

    The Cotton Adams stories are you at your best, in my opinion. I'd like to see more of them; they never fail to make me llolaos.*

    *(literally laugh out loud and often snort)

  12. i'd like to see corky surf a wave here in my town, jeffreys bay. it's one of the best waves on the planet. make the dude score a barrel!!!

  13. Caption for #89...

    "That'll teach you to complain about our praise band playin' ZZ Top instead of hymns, pilgrim"

  14. Caption:

    "You see? My website was not lying: every time someone pulls my finger, a magical hat appears. I don't understand it, but I've learned to live with it. Call it my cross to bear."

  15. Gordan, that was hilarious! I thought your old blog, "Reformed Mafia", had one of the greatest titles in all of Blogdom. Thanks for contributing!
