Friday, April 9, 2010

Long Engagement


  1. Come on all you kids! Let's sing a song tribute to Matthew Henry and his wonderful commentary...

    ...singing to the tune of Yankee Doodle, or for those of you who remember Roger Ramjet, his theme song:

    Matthew Henry and his comments
    Are a puritan’s treasure
    He meditated, prayed and thought
    Of good things for God’s pleasure

    Matthew Henry, he’s our man!
    What a commentary!
    And Arminians run an’ hide
    His insights are too scary.

    So come an’ join us pilgrims all
    And read his expositions
    From Calvinistic Cartoons blog
    The Limited Edition.

    Matthew Henry, he’s our man!
    What a commentary!
    And Arminians run an’ hide
    His insights are too scary.

    [the word verification for this comment was idatodae...

    ...using idatodae in a sentence:

    Has anyone seen Ida todae?]

  2. Another musical masterpiece brought to you by Comment Taters, the taters you can eat on the go!

  3. Eddie:

    You have a lot of talented Comment Taters!

    By the way, I love the history lesson on Matthew Henry's love life.

  4. After Matthew Henry and his Calvinistic Eagle Squadron defeated the Solonoid Arminians, he was invited to the Lompoc Theological Society's Annual conference. He threw out the first volume of Arminius' Works.

    On another note, I haven't read every page of Henry's 6 volume commentary, but I'm pretty sure I haven't encountered the phrase, "Yeah, Babe," yet.

  5. Comment Taters are the real tater, made from real fresh Ida Ho todae potatoes.

    Matthew Henry, too, was the real deal, a Tater with comments so full and flavorful that he needed no ketchup at all. Seasoned with the salt of the earth.

    At a sit down dinner, or any time, Comment Taters are food on the go...

    You can also try our convenient snack pack, Matt Hank, Comment Taters. Their bitesized morsels of devotional delight. Not messy. That's a guarantee! No mess with Matt Hank.

    Courtship approved; Nuptial endorsed.

  6. Hmmm, I always thought that Matthew Henry was a short Welshman. I guess the hat makes him look taller.
