Friday, April 16, 2010

Just for Laughs #90

Create a caption that will take our breath away!


  1. The 1st Baptist Church Hospitality Committee comes to clean up after the all-you-can-eat bean supper.

  2. The children of Israel after God told Moses to take two tablets and head for the hills.

  3. Sea World's attempt to portray "the four horsemen of the apocalypse" significant liberties

  4. Volunteer workers from the Calvinistic Womans Federation (CWF)head into western New York's "burnt over" district to help clean up the wreckage from Charles Grandison Finney's "inquiry meetings" and "anxious seats". Complete sets of Calvin's commentaries were hand delivered to many of the residents there.

  5. Lips that utter Calvinism shall never kiss these.

  6. The Women's Auxiliary Dispensational Leauge (TWADL) prepare for the the first trumpet in Revelation 8:7

  7. A "GTR" or "Grace and Truth Relief" recruitment poster showing a Search and Rescue used during a "PMF" or "Post Emergent Fumigation" of a local church. These stalwarts bravely care for the casualties with emergency caches from the Pauline epistles.

  8. " I believe the Brian McLaren book signing is in this direction...the stench of universalism is overpowering."

  9. The Calvinist Evangelist Club approaches the Unitarian Universalist Church with all due caution.

  10. In 1978 the First Emergent Free Will Church of San Francisco decided to do a play based on the movie Star Wars in order to teach the Gospel. Here we see for women from the ladies choir that had been convinced to be extras as sand people.
