Monday, April 12, 2010

Just for Laughs #86

Write a caption or I will have egg on my face!


  1. Chip prepares the "Covenant Theology Breakfast." The 12 slices of bacon represent the 12 tribes of Israel (and the 12 Apostles), and the 5 eggs are for the 5 points of Calvinism. Only the most hearty (and hungry) Calvinists order this one

  2. Where did you get this vintage SBC Disaster Relief training photo?

    Cation Reads:

    Ken demonstrates proper sunny-side spatula extractment technique.

    Ken also demonstrates proper positioning for pork products as defined in SBC regulation 29-13.

  3. Real Grill Men have no hair! Arm hair that is.

  4. "Okay, if you really have to know: I bet Eddie that the number of Calvinistic Cartoons' followers would NOT reach 130 by the end of the year. Now, I have to cook breakfast for one hunderd eighty-five people.

    Do you want yours over easy, or sunny-side-up?"

  5. Well, it's back to 184 again. Someone keeps jumping in and out.

  6. Must be "Jumping Jim" Jeffords!

  7. " Quick, serve the eggs before they backslide off the gridle, brother Elden..."

  8. It was at the monthly men's prayer breakfast that Pastor Jim used the bacon and eggs to urge complete submission to Christ. You can't be simply invested like the hen, you had to be totally committed like the pig.

    Our apologies to any vegetarian readers.

  9. As it turns out, the ideal man of egalitarianism, is expected to be barefoot and in the kitchen at all times. It is reported that in egalitarian homes, feminine voices can be heard yelling, "BRING ME A SANDWICH" with a deep pitched reply of "yes, dear"
