Thursday, April 1, 2010


1 comment:

  1. Sung to the tune of theme of TV's F Troop:

    Long after the Great Awakening
    Were a few fleshly rivalries,
    A Baptist thought a Quaker brought
    snide comments on John Bunyan’s the…ology.

    His mettle could not withstand the shrill
    of this Quaker’s high-pitched voice.
    He wanted to counter but could not
    If only he had Dagg or James… P. Boyce.

    Where preachers delight to preach Him with might
    Proclaiming the Cross in power
    When Edwards and Whitefield
    Arrest the hour!

    When preaching and teaching get them down,
    their conversion might not be real
    As long as they’re carnal they will quarrel
    And then they resume with a bang and a boom
    Let’s duel!
