Saturday, April 17, 2010

Arminian Antics #1

Well, it didn't take long to find out who robbed our offices last week. It was none other than Benny Finney, a relative of Charles Finney himself! Now he has his own Arminian humor blog with an instant group of followers from the First Free Will Church of Loco Weed County. I suspect we will see a lot more of Finney's handiwork in the future. I'll try and keep all of you posted. It's a cryin' shame, that's what it is, a cryin' shame...just take a look at his first blog. He hasn't an original bone in his body! He needs a little church discipline. But, instead he is applauded for his "originality".


  1. With a headquarters that looks like a shot out of "Secondhand Lions," it's no wonder they had to resort to out right theft of intellectual property.

    "Just for Giggles" is a very poor imitation of the more refined quality that we have come to expect from the Master E.Eddings Esq.

  2. I love that the banner looks like a pig farm more than the heavenly gates!

  3. Hambone's brotherly love is beyond us poor reformed folk! With OCare the pet hospital may be all we do have!

  4. SamWise, very kind of you to notice the differences. I plan on posting work from their blog every Saturday for a while. I have to keep tabs on these guys. I won't sue them because I really believe him to be a brother...but, I CAN expose his mockeries and his theft of my material!

  5. As cheap as that is, it must be conceded that he's far more creative than anyone at TomInTheBox.
