Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Word Usage


  1. What a shame that many times we ignore God given theological concepts becasue of terminology. People do despise limited - even though everyone limits the atonement, but particular or definite can seem palatable to them. Great point!

  2. SamWise, I had to remove your comment. Not because I disagreed with it but because of where I live. Things are very different here and I cannot go into a full explanation. Suffice it to say, certain words here trigger emotions that can lead to other things. Maybe a re-wording of your comment will help. Thanks for understanding.

  3. One more thing, the business card I use in Kuwait has my email (calvinist12345) and my online portfolio web address which also has an active link to my blog. I believe I have lost one free-lance job because of this. So I have to edit a little more than I would in the states. To illustrate a little what I mean - movies and TV are edited here. It's strange but they will leave certain curse words in, and edit out a kiss or the word "ham". Certain subject matter will never be seen. (I am waiting to see if they will release The Book of Eli here). At this point, I am trying to "spread" rather than "explode" if you get my meaning. Friendship and hospitality are key factors in Kuwait. I am in their home and I hope all who comment will respect that. I need to stay here for a while longer. Only the Lord knows how long.

  4. Maggie was driven to a study of the scriptures and things were indeed much better.

    Also, an excellent study of particular redemption / limited atonement, (along with the other 4 points)can be found in the 500 page book "History & Theology of Calvinism" by Curt Daniel, which by the way also has one of Eddie's cartoons in the back entitled: "Bud and T-Bone" in "Flowery Speech".
