Thursday, November 19, 2009

Just for Laughs #55

A good caption will help to explain Granny gone wild!
(just keep it in theological boundaries if'n ya please)


  1. When Mildred heard the new Pastor say that all her choir singing and tithing didn't count one little bit towards her salvation she came unglued.

  2. "...And if you are thinking about coming back at me with First Corinthians 14:34 & 35, forget it. Paul only said that 'cause he was a woman-hater, and you know it."

  3. You sir are nothing more than a filthy liar, a cloud without water, a tree twice dead preaching doctrines of demons!
    Until his dieing day Pastor Jacobs never again forgot his and Mildreds wedding anniversary.

  4. "Look out!!! She's got a Romans 9 hand grenade!"

  5. Mrs Tickle thought it a good idea to walk up to the lecter for her two cents...

  6. Myrtle became outraged when the Pastor said, "The lost enjoy their sin." She thought he said they enjoy their gin.

  7. Mildred just couldn't believe her ears when Pastor Jacoby said wearing bright colors negated any good done by women obeying the command to have their heads covered in church.

  8. The attendees of the First Council of Nicea were too distracted by Myrtle of Myra, St. Nicholas's grandmother, to notice the presbyter slip forward and deliver the slap of orthodoxy upon the face of Arius.
