Monday, November 2, 2009

Just for Laughs #48

What on earth do you make of this, for Heaven's sake?
Caption needed to 'splain what's going on.


  1. Brad Loon realized that his "Follow me to Church" bumper sticker may have caused some confusion when he ditched Church services to go surfing.

  2. An overly-aggressive Arminian evangelist yells out his window, "I'm going to get a DECISION out of you if I have to chase you to...oop ...glub ... glub ... glub.............."

  3. Deacon Bleen gives chase to a nine percent "tither".

  4. Toby and Blepo were about to visit the Sub-merging Church in Galveston, Texas. At the time of this photo, neither knew that the parking lot was full...of water...and about a block and a half straight down.

  5. Pastor P. Nuckle's Car Wash and drive through Baptism is turning a profit.

  6. Bill and Bob really hoped the new seals on their cars would work. They simply could not be late for another council meeting at First Submergent Church of Atlantis.
