Thursday, November 26, 2009

Good News..paper

Felix was comfortable with his new New Testament
until someone at work wanted to borrow the Sports section.


  1. That is almost TOO close to the truth!

  2. I should patent the idea because if anyone from Zondervan reads this they will act on it immediately. (that's my prediction. Please wait thirty years to see if it is fulfilled before thinking about stoning me.)

  3. Actually, Michael Horton wanted his latest book, The Gospel-Driven Life: Being Good News People in a Bad News World, to be printed in a newspaper format. Fortunately, his publishers at Baker Books were able to wrestle Horton to the ground and douse him with five gallons of super-chilled Gatorade, thus persuading him to abandon the idea.

  4. Once again you had me laughing so hard I had to be taken to a tree surgeon.
