Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Mass Confusion


  1. I just hope they don't cross paths with Runaround Sue.

  2. Runaround Sue was canonized in December. She is now known as Saint Runaround Susan to a mass of Catholics in New York State.

  3. How much mass were those catholics, Eddie? =p

    100 kg, 150 kg? 3 metric tons?


  4. When an object’s weight (its gravitational force) is expressed in kilograms, the unit of measure is not a true kilogram; it is the kilogram-force (kgf or kg-f), also known as the kilopond (kp), which is a non-SI unit of force. All objects on Earth are subject to a gravitational acceleration of approximately 9.8 m/s. So I would say those mass of Catholics were just too heavy to ride in an elevator together.

  5. Well, yeah, that is until they realize that that transubstantiated mass is just bread and's the new diet plan for catholics from Jenny Craig-Calvin:

    Reverse transubstantiation: loose all that flesh with this Geneva-based diet plan!

  6. Thanks Sir Brass. Another book on "a sure way to lose weight" is one entitled, "Teeth, Be Thou Loosed!" by Tooth Decay (T.D.) Jinx

  7. What happens when mass confusion reaches critical mass?

    Thanks to your cartoon, I have "I Get Around" by the Beach Boys going through my head as sung by the Sound of Music nuns.

  8. Pilgrim Mommy, when they reach critical mass, they adopt the 60's mentality and forget that they're masses by becoming high masses =p (okay, that was a REALLY bad joke).
