Saturday, December 6, 2008

Create a Calvinistic Cartoon Caption #2

THE WINNER IS pastorharold! Thanks for the great caption and don't forget to floss daily!
It's time once again, boys and girls, to supply an award winning caption!

Until we get one thousandth of the readership of Pyromaniacs, all captions are judged by a panel of one. (That would be me) But, I have some imaginary friends and an inner child that want to cast a vote as well. You have one week to complete this task. On Saturday, December 13th, I will announce the winner. This time the prize will be the beautiful Whirlpool Galaxy and a coupon (good for Sundays only) at Chick-fil-A.


  1. Hmmmmm. Boy, you've given us a great drawing, why can't I think of a caption for it? How long do I have? A week? Well, hmmmmm.

  2. Well, I guess the beautiful Whirlpool Galaxy and a Sunday coupon for Chick-fil-A is just not enough to get more to participate. Okay, I will throw in real estate at the center of the earth!

  3. Under the Latin maxim "necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit", the general rule is that "the necessity of proof lies with he who complains." The burden of proof, therefore, usually lies with the party making the new claim. The exception to this rule is when a "prima facie" case has been made. In other words...prove me wrong. I am a licensed Surreal Estate agent.

  4. "If he could just beat this rap, Mick McGreggor knew he had a sure fire hit sermon illustration that would make him a star on the evangelism circuit."

  5. Former pastor and the new D.A. Jerry Rodgers won his first case in Liberty county. When asked about his calm confidence, he said "It was much like giving the invitation each Sunday at Free As Can Be Baptist Church".

  6. Usually Judge Jerry waited until Sunday to roast Pastor Stevens, but since this was such a clear case he allowed the prosecution to turn up the heat.

  7. ...what if the judge was a legalistic pastor? (just a thought)
    keep 'em comin'

  8. pastorharold, your prize is waiting just outside your door! Congrats!
